Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) and Government of Haryana sign a framework of collaboration to work closely in the areas of investment, trade and technology transfer

The Embassy of Ethiopia in India in collaboration with the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) organized an investment promotion forum with the support of the Foreign Cooperation Department, Government of Haryana from April 6-8, 2022 in the two vibrant cities of Haryana, Gurugram and Chandigarh.
The forum was held with the purpose of expounding Ethiopia’s investment opportunities to the business people of Haryana state with a special focus on pharmaceuticals, textile & garment and agro-processing sectors.
The forum was graced with the presence of H.E. Ambassador Tizita Mulugeta, Ambassador of Ethiopia to India, H.E. Mr Daniel Teressa, Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission, D.S Dhesi, Chief Principal Secretary to honourable Chief Minister, Government of Haryana, Yogender Chaudhary, Principal Secretary of Foreign Cooperation Department, Government of Haryana, other senior officials and industrialists in the pharmaceuticals, textile & garment and agro-processing sectors.
Recalling the two countries’ age-old relations, H.E. Ambassador Tizita appreciated the Foreign Cooperation Department of the Government of Haryana for organizing two successive events in this year with the aim of strengthening the multifaceted relations between Ethiopia and India. Ambassador Tizita requested Indian investors who took part in the forum to explore the untapped investment potentials of Ethiopia and underlined the readiness of the government and the Embassy in supporting their economic engagement in Ethiopia.

Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission, Daniel Teressa, appreciates the huge role Indian investors are playing in the economic development of Ethiopia. He briefed the participants about Ethiopian home-grown economic reform agenda, the on-going economic liberalization and various incentives and support mechanisms provided by the government to foreign investors with the objective of realizing the country’s goal of becoming the leading manufacturing hub of Africa.
D.S Dhesi, Chief Principal Secretary to Honourable Chief Minister, Government of Haryana acknowledged Ethiopia’s dynamic and robust economic growth trajectory in the last two decades and highlighted the various potential areas of cooperation between the two countries for mutual benefit.
A detailed power point presentation on the sectors of pharmaceutical, textile & garment and agro-processing was presented by the Ethiopian Investment Commission team followed by one-to-one and B2G meetings. The Ethiopian delegation also undertook a visit to the research and development center of Mankind Pharma, one of the leading Indian pharmaceutical companies.
Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) and Foreign Cooperation Department, Government of Haryana signed a framework of collaboration to work closely in the areas of investment, trade and technology transfer.