Africa should prioritize self-reliance: former Ethiopian PM Desalegn

The Tana Forum concluded recently by delivering another candid and transparent panel entitled: “Taking Stock of the Continent’s Peace and Security Landscape and Response Capacity.”

H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn, Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, H.E Mike Hammer, UN Secretary General Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, H.E Hannah Tetteh, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa (virtual), H.E Annette Weber (PhD), and AUC Commissioner for PAPS, H.E Bankole Adeoye, attended the panel.

Desalegn stated during the discussions that the continent’s response capacity and landscape for peace and security should prioritize actions toward self-reliance rather than externalizing peace and security challenges, fix governance capacity, embrace diversity, and prioritize citizen security over region or regime security.

Additionally, he emphasized that the need for partnerships does not preclude African solutions to African problems, but rather that partnerships should be fair and mutually beneficial.

Regarding the continent’s peace and security framework, participants also brought up a variety of pertinent but different issues.

Ways of bringing back cooperation and coordination, multi-lateralism, human security, digital governance, diaspora, and inclusive and durable transitions were among other governing issues that were raised and discussed during the panel.

A book launch, ‘Feasibility of Capitalism in Africa’, by Kenneth Omoje and a couple of other events were held on the last day of the forum.

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